Release ProcessΒΆ
New releases are created using a combination of repo-helper and GitHub Actions.
To start you will need repo-helper
python3 -m pip install repo-helper --upgrade
Then ensure all changes have been committed or stashed:
git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
The create a release using repo-helper release:
repo-helper release minor
Repleace minor
with major
or patch
as appropriate.
Once the release has been created locally, push to GitHub. Ensure you push the tag too:
git push
git push --tags
Once the tests pass GitHub Actions will take care of building and uploading to PyPI and Anaconda (if enabled for the project). You should keep an eye on the tests to ensure they pass.
The release will be automatcally copied to GitHub Releases within the next two days using OctoCheese.